Our client mentors are the lifeblood of New Hope Center. You greet the client when they arrive for their appointment, offer a friendly face and listening ear, and support as they navigate their pregnancy options.

After the proper training, you will educate clients on their pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. You’ll provide the information they need to make a confident decision, and you’ll supply the compassion they need during this time.

We are looking for male and female mentors to minister to new moms and dads and walk alongside them in life. You are an integral part of their journey.

The Process

To become a client mentor, you will have an application and interview. You can apply online by filling out the application below or print out the application and supporting documents to fill out manually. After your interview, you will have 4-6 hours of self-paced online training; then, you will shadow with an experienced mentor. We ask our volunteers to commit to faithfully serving 2-3 hours per week.

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