Yearly Events

Father Daughter Dance

Our Father Daughter Dances are held in February or March each year and are a wonderful and fun way for Dads and their daughters to bond. If you're a dad with a daughter, you won't want to miss out these evenings filled with dancing, food and fun activities.

Walk for Life

Join our Walk for Life on May 18, 2024!

It's an easy 2-mile walk in Pioneer Park in Covington and Pendleton County Fairgrounds in Falmouth. Register with FundEasy. It's the quickest and easiest way to get people to sponsor your walk and raise funds for our ministry of LIFE!

Raise over $25 in pledges and receive a free Walk T-shirt!

Baby Bottle Boomerang

Our Baby Bottle campaign is one of the easiest ways for you and your congregation to help us financially. We provide you with baby bottles for your family and friends to fill with change, bills and checks for New Hope Center. You can also participate in our VIRTUAL Baby Bottle campaign! Every penny collected goes to our life-saving ministry.

Cross the Bridge for Life

Join us along with thousands of people from the tri-state area for the annual Cross the Bridge for Life.  Participants of all ages demonstrate support for protection for all human life from conception to natural death with a peaceful walk across the “Purple People Bridge” spanning the Ohio River.

New Hope Fundraising Banquet

Our 2024 Fund Raising Banquet celebrating 35 years of our ministry is coming up on Tuesday, October 1!

Our very special guest speaker this year is Kirk Walden. 

Kirk Walden Bio

This is our most important fund raising event of the year. Will you partner with us by being a table host? It's a vitally important role to the success of our Banquet. Call Karen Class today to find out more. 859-341-0766 ext.12

Volunteer Christmas Dinner

This festive Christmas dinner for our volunteers and their spouses is always a hit with fun games and prizes. It’s a special time for us to thank our incredible volunteers who work alongside us in our life-saving ministry.

You will never have this day again,
so make it count.